Hello, dancers and families!

Just a reminder to use the code MDC24 at checkout to apply your 30% discount.

This coupon code expires at midnight on July 6th, 2024.

We cannot refund payments made through Zenfolio if you forget to use the discount code.

If you have any questions, please give us a call at the studio at 207-989-2514 or email us at [email protected]

Thank you for your business!
Acro 1-2 ThursdayAcro 1-2 WednesdayAcro 3-4Acro 5-8Adult TapAdv ContemporaryBallet ABallet BBallet C-DBallet EBallet/Tap - MondayBallet/Tap - SaturdayBitty BallerinasBroadway BoundCreative Movement - MondayCreative Movement - SaturdayFinaleHip Hop AHip Hop BHip Hop CHip Hop D-EInter ContemporaryJazz A-BJazz CJazz DJazz ELyrical CLyrical D-ESeniorsTap - JazzTap A-BTap CTap D-ETumble Tots